Edit District Home Schedule

A district match’s kick off time and field is assigned here.

Please note: as in previous years, only the League can change the match date.

District home games can be searched for by week, division or a match number.

  • Click on the Edit District Home Schedule link.
  • Select or enter the information required and click or tap on the appropriate button.
  • The district’s home games found will be displayed for time and field entry.
  • To enter a match time, click in the time box and select the time from the popup.
  • To enter a field, click on the pop up selector and choose a field. If a field is not in the list, please let the league scheduler know.
  • When you are done, click on the Save Edits button at the bottom of the page.
  • A confirmation page will let you know if the game information was successfully saved.
edit home schedule landing

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edit home schedule edit

Click on the image to enlarge

Click on the image to enlarge